Creativity: Vision Board

Create a vision board to help you visualize and stick to your goals. They don’t have to be academic goals — though they can be! They can be about anything you want to get better at: health goals, a new hobby, writing a novel, walking your dog more, saving money for something. Even though all the examples (you can scroll through the pix) use magazines, that might not be possible during this social distancing time. Get creative!

From Christine Kane's blog

In the most literal sense, a vision board is a collection of images and notes attached to a board and placed somewhere that you can see it every day.

Sounds simple enough, right?

But if you came here because you’re asking “What is a vision board?” then you probably want to know something a little deeper than all that.

A vision board, at it’s core, is a visual representation of all the things that you want to do, be, and have in your life.

It’s a daily reminder of those things.


Creativity: Create a Mandala