Critical Thinking: Invent a Social Distancing Device

So you might have heard that we are supposed to stay 6 to 10’ away from each other. But how do you make that happen? Do you trust people to know how far away 10 feet would be? (As a math teacher, I’m going with a big ole nope to that one.)

Your job is to invent a social distancing device that you can wear to keep people the required amount of distance away from you. If you can’t actually make your idea because you don’t have the materials, make a prototype. For example, if you want to use a hula hoop to keep people distant but you don’t have a hula hoop at your house, you could use a Batman action figure and pipe cleaners to simulate what it would look like.

Present your invention on Flipgrid. Be sure to include any measurements so we know exactly how you’re keeping people 6 or more feet away.


Critical Thinking: Pangrams


Critical Thinking: SET Online